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Legionnaires’ Disease Returns to NYC

In response to a lethal outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease that killed seven and sickened more than 100 in 2015, the City of New York passed one of the toughest cooling tower and HVAC inspection laws in the country. The intent of the law was to destroy the breeding grounds of the disease and create a sterilization and self-reporting process that would keep New Yorkers safe.

Legionnaires’ disease has since returned to the city. The legionella bacterium was recently discovered in both a New York Police precinct and on the Upper East Side. Thus far, one person has died and nearly a dozen others have been identified as having been in contact with the bacteria. The disease manifests itself through flu-like symptoms within two to ten days from the time of exposure. It can be deadly in both the elderly and those with certain immune deficiencies.

The discovery speaks to the difficulty of preventing the spread of the disease in New York City and the overall effectiveness of the program. Authorities from the Health Department are still investigating in order to determine the source of the most recent outbreak.

What of the wider program? How well was the program implemented and how can the public be sure there will not be another deadly outbreak? The city has yet to release data on the effectiveness of the new program, and we can only wait and hope that building owners and inspectors are doing all they can to ensure that there are no further outbreaks.

If you have any questions on the reporting or permit requirements of your buildings cooling tower or HVAC system, contact Milrose Consultants.

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