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Milrose in the Community: NYIT Recognizes Milrose Partner in Annual President’s Report

The New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) commended Milrose Managing Partner Domenick Chieco in its annual President’s Report as a professional who understands the value of higher education and mentorship.

Chieco, who earned a bachelor’s degree from NYIT in 1989, continues to support NYIT and help students achieve their greatest potential. He co-founded Friends of the NYIT School of Architecture and Design with several other alumni. Each year, Chieco hosts the organization’s annual fundraiser, which helps students with experiential learning opportunities, guest lectures, networking and mentorship. Last year, the event raised nearly $100,000 to support architecture and design students.

The article featured several alumni who benefited from the opportunities created by the “Friends,” including one student who ultimately landed her current job with the organization’s help and another who attended industry events in New Orleans and Milan, Italy, courtesy of the “Friends.”

Chieco says his parents taught him at a young age that giving back brings incredible rewards in return, instilling in him a desire to improve the lives of students. Last year, to honor his parents, he endowed the Tommaso and Franca Chieco Endowed Scholarship Fund. He says, “My parents raised me to be a leader, to be among the best in my field, and to help those become more than what they are today.”

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