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Recap of the 8th NYIT Alumni & Friends Reception

More than 300 alumni, sponsors and guests attended the 8th Annual New York Institute of Technology Alumni & Friends Reception at the Union League Club last Thursday, September 22. The event was hosted by the Friends of the School of Architecture and Design and chaired by Domenick Chieco, Managing Partner of Milrose Consultants and a 1989 NYIT graduate.

This year’s event recognized the career achievements of spotlight alumni, Ark Latt RA, '89, President of Plaza Construction, and Diana Allegretti RA, LEED AP, '87, Assistant Director for Design & Construction at Cornell Tech. The new Dean of the School of Architecture & Design, Maria Perbellini, joined the reception to thank the alumni for their involvement and dedication to NYIT.


Pictured above: Diana Allegretti, Domenick Chieco, Dean Maria Perbellini and Ark Latt

Browse our photo gallery of pictures captured during the 2016 NYIT Alumni & Friends Reception.

During the reception, the spotlight alumni offered words of inspiration and advice to NYIT’s architecture and design students and spoke of their lasting friendship that began at the school.  Additionally, the reception provided an opportunity for students to showcase their current work and network with established alumni, colleagues and business partners from the architecture, construction and interior design industries. Two interior design students were awarded the prestigious Angelo Donghia Foundation award, a $30,000 scholarship that is only awarded to 15 design students across the country.

The NYIT Friends Reception began eight years ago as a way to bring more alumni into the activities of the Friends of NYIT and has since grown to become the alumni group’s primary fundraiser. Additionally, Friends of NYIT facilitates lectures, special projects, scholarships and programs to advance the future of NYIT and help students achieve their greatest potential.

If you are interested in sponsoring next year’s Ninth NYIT Alumni & Friends Reception, please contact Laura Schranz, 516.686.7928 or